No matter how busy we get with assessments or how lost in our one-to-one laptop world I love this 15-20 minutes a day of pure "face time" with my kiddos.
Morning meeting is a great time of day to work on teambuilding and community skills with your
class. It is also a useful time to incorporate vocabulary, spelling, and math facts in the form of fun
games for your students.
I gather my students in a circle on our back carpet. I sit in my rocking chair and my "first mate" doubles as my morning meeting leader sits next to me. The first mate selects a greeting from our greeting bin. The greetings vary from a simple handshake where we practice eye contact and speaking clearly to fun ones that involve chanting and silly body movement.
After our greeting I give my students a brief overview of our day and important upcoming events. This is also a great time to discuss issues/behaviors that my need to be addressed in our classroom.
Next we complete a fun activity. This can be student or teacher choice. All of the activities are designed to work on speaking and listening standards, following directions, literacy, and/or math skills.
Class favorites are always Sparkle and Monkey Math Facts (see my packet for more info).
One of my favorites is "wishes" each student thinks of a wish and whispers it into their hands. On the count of three all the students "release" their wishes into the air. The morning meeting leader then picks a friend or two to share their wishes.
My Morning Meeting packet on TPT has been one of my best selling items. I have sold close to 100 copies and right now over 60 people have it on their "wish list"
In honor of getting back into the groove of blogging and since so many people have saved it to their "wish list" I am marking my "Ultimate Morning Meetings" packet down 20% until Halloween! Get yours now :)
Don't forget to comment with your own Morning Meeting ideas!
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