Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Open House-Twins and Facebook!

In order to jazz up our Open House I had my student's create "twins" of themselves.

I created a tracer for the head and body, and for the t-shirts.
Students were allowed to "cut" their own hair and decorate their t-shirts any way that they wanted to.

While we cut, colored, and decorated we had fun listening to some Disney music!

Once the students left for the day, I used wooden rulers and packing tape to secure their "twins" to their seats.

Since their "twins" laid flat against the seat parents were able to come in that evening and sit down without worrying about ruining their twins. It was so much fun to watch the parents "find" their children when they arrived for open house.
During open house I walked parents through a "Day in the Life of Third Grade" and how we are transitioning to the Common Core and computerized testing. I made sure to print out copies of my PowerPoint for each family. Students whose parents did not attend brought home the print out the next day and I linked it to our class website.
While waiting for the PowerPoint parents were able to read their student's "Facebook" pages.
I created the student's "Fakebook" pages in Microsoft Word. I added a "cover picture" that was similar to the sign on our door and created a "conversation" between myself and the student.
I printed their "Fakebook" pages in black and white on letter sized paper first. I let students answer questions about their favorite foods, books, etc. I checked their drafts for errors then they copied their answers, in pen, onto the colored versions of "Fakebooks" that were printed on legal sized paper.
The students, especially the ones who had older siblings who were on the real Facebook, LOVED the activity. They were so excited to have their parents come in and read their "pages"
Now that I have created the template, and students are familiar with it, I am thinking it will be easy to modify in the future for "Famous" people! I can't wait to revisit it in some of our Social Studies/Biography Units.
After open house, I left the "twins" sitting in the student's chairs so they could see them when they came in the next morning.
The student's loved seeing their classroom "full" of their twins. I snapped a ton of cute pics of students with their twins to put on our classroom blog. Parents LOVED them.
Since our first unit in Writer's Workshop is related to autobiographies, I used the twins and Facebook pages to create a quick bulletin board. My students loved showing off their Facebook pages!


Kindergarten, First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth -

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