All hands on deck!! All hands on deck!!
After dividing my giant bulletin board into three sections
(CAFE Menu, Class Contract, and Job Chart)
I wrestled yellow (fadeless!) paper onto the last chunk to brighten it up and display my job board.
Again I used my favorite dollar store find of ocean boarders and dressed it up with some fish from Oriental Trader.
Keeping with the themed signs around my room I titled my job chart "All Hands on Deck" using the sane beach-y chalkboard labels I used in the rest of the room.
In order to keep things simple I only have six jobs in my room.
I have seen some classes that have enough jobs for a student to have a job everyday but for my management style it is much easier to just rotate jobs once a week.
In my job chart packet (click here for yours!)
I included blank outlines of boat anchors. I wrote the names of my students on the anchors and used clear thumbtacks (another love of mine!) to secure them to the board.
I randomly assign a student to each job, and sometimes two to post master.
First Mate:
Basically my teacher's helper. My first mate brings down the lunch count and notes to the office, helps me lead our morning meeting (more details on that here), assists with calendar time, and acts as my line leader.
Ship's Librarian:
Responsible for making sure our library looks neat and tidy. Also responsible for checking periodically to make sure books are in the right bins. Since I allow students to return the books from their book bags themselves it is helpful to have another set of eyes making sure materials are placed back correctly so we can find them in the future.
Ship's Reporter:
My newest and the job I am most excited about this year! This helper is responsible for writing a blog post for our class blog at the end of the week. Throughout the week I use my iPad and iPhone to take pictures and upload them to our blog but I LOVE LOVE LOVE having a student perspective. They can pick anything they want to write about (that we did that week) and I help them find/take pictures to add to their posts. I love seeing what they took away from the week and parents LOVE reading it when their children are the "Ship's Reporter"
This student is responsible for the organization of our community school supplies and sharpening our pencils. Nothing annoys me more than a student interrupting a lesson because they do not have a pencil or loudly sharpening a pencil when we are having a discussion. So each morning, and if need be during snack or break times, the Quartermaster takes pencils from the "need to sharpen bin" sharpens them and places them in the "good to go bin." The Quartermaster also takes a minute to check that extra glue, crayons, pens, and dry erase markers are in the proper bins. When students need a pencil they simply drop their old pencil in the "need to sharpen bin' and grab a ready-to-go pencil.
The last of my classroom jobs--and possibly the simplest. The boatswain is around to make sure our floors and cubbies look clean. If not they remind tables and friends to tidy up!
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