Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Teacher Time & Guided Reading Groups

One of my favorite spots in my whole classroom is my small group table.

I am trying so hard not to call it my reading table as I also meet with my guided math groups there but it is definitely easy to fall into that trap!!

I love the shape of my table and being able to work so closely with my students! I try to make it feel welcoming for both math and reading. I love hearing that my students can't WAIT for "teacher time" in math or to meet with their "book club" (check future blog post for more info on those!!) in reader's workshop.

My worse habit is letting papers pile up on my reading table!! With 100% online homework this year that has definitely gotten better but sometimes my small group table becomes a 'catch-all' for extra paper work.

This year I have worked hard to devise a folder system for copies and a folder system for master copies to avoid the "paper trap" in my room. Check back soon for a future blog post about those!

This year I added a few nice features to my small group area. I decorated the underside of the table with blue under the sea fringe from Oriental Trader.Com. While we have lost a few strands of blue over the course of the last few weeks with students the majority of it remains intact. I also used the same table skirt to block off my library from the rest of the classroom to create a nice little "nook" and circle time area.
My favorite find for my small group table were these FANTASTIC surfboard "whiteboard" stickers from oriental trader.
They were ONLY $1.29 for three on sale! I placed four on my table and have two spares in the closet! Can't wait to use them!
Behind my table I have a bookcase full of my teaching resources and binders...covered of course by some super cute blue fish fabric---super cheap at Wal*Mart!! I even got an extra foot for free because it was the end of the roll!
At my small group table I also have a whiteboard stand in case I need it and a basket full of supplies. I try to keep enough pencils, pens, glue sticks, and highlighters in a basket so my students do not need to bring these supplies when they come to group.
It definitely cuts down on the running back and forth to their seats for supplies.
Make sure to check future blog post for resources for small groups in math & reading!! <3

Kindergarten, First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth -

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