Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Rocking Chairs & Wall Hangings--Underwater Theme

Best Dollar Store Find EVER!

I spent weeks trolling the internet looking for an underwater or beach themed wall hanging that would fit the space between my cubbies and the window perfectly.

Most hangings were FAR too wide and WAY too short.

At Dollar Tree I stumbled upon this super cute whale wall hanging...obvious for ONE DOLLAR!!

I stapled it to my wall and the rest is history!

Downside? I wish I bought a few more to put away. It has the feel of a cheap tablecloth so I am afraid it will not last too long and I'll never find another one for such a great price!!

My rocking chair was an old family piece collecting dust and cobwebs in the basket. However, it was a horrible weird gray faded plaid patterns...yuck.

I sent my husband (yikes!!) to JoAnn's Fabric for me while I was working on setting up my classroom.

I BEGGED him to find something blue/green/ocean like. He came back with a really nice shiny blue silk-like fabric. Would I have chosen it myself? Honestly? Probably not.

Do I love it? Do my kids love it? Answer to both is yes. I love sliding into my nice blue rocking chair to lead Morning Meeting or read a book to my 19 eager 8 year olds. So a special thank you to my hubby for picking the perfect fabric for my rocking chair.

Never be afraid to repurpose an old piece of furniture for your classroom! $10 worth of fabric and a staple gun and I have a beautiful glider in the corner of my room.

Check future blogs to learn more about my morning meetings (or sneak a peek at my best selling morning meeting packet here) and my "word wall winners" for read alouds!!

Kindergarten, First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth -

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